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3 Rare Reasons for Dental Implant Failures to Address before You Get Them

2020 November Blog

The world was introduced to dental implants more than 30 years ago. Since then, they have transformed the art of tooth replacement. Dental implants’ popularity is due to its durability and success rate. In more than 95%, dental implants have been proven successful.

However, there are still a few instances where they can fail, with most doing so in the first few months. When those instances came to the forefront, researchers started digging, asking the question, “Why?” Here’s what their research revealed.

Overall Health Can Cause Dental Implant Failures

The food you eat, the medicines you take, and the treatments you get all influence your oral health. Past radiation treatment for cancer, certain prescription medications, medical conditions such as a poor immune system or osteoporosis, and tobacco use can cause your dental implants to fail. Some things you have under your control, such as smoking, but for others, you don’t. Therefore, you should consider other options to replace your missing teeth.

Bone Health and Oral Health Issues Can Cause Dental Implant Failures

Dentists secure dental implants to the bone. This ensures stability and proper setting. Significant bone loss due to dental disease or missing teeth can make you an unsuitable candidate for dental implants. However, you can opt for grafting procedures to build up the bone or consider other methods to replace missing teeth. Two oral health issues that cause dental implants to fail are a clenching or a grinding habit. This places abnormal stress on your teeth. Your dentist will address these habits before he places dental implants.

Improper Care and Maintenance Can Cause Dental Implant Failures

You need to care for and maintain your dental implants after receiving them. Your dentist will explain to you the proper method to care for them. Failure to do so can cause the supporting bone, gums, and adjacent teeth to develop gum disease. You need to brush and floss your teeth daily and visit your local dentist for routine dental cleanings and check-ups.

If you don’t know if you’re a good candidate for dental implants, you can make sure by visiting Dental Hearts for a consultation. If you aren’t, we’ll tell you about other replacement options. Contact us today if you have any questions.

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